Copyright 2023 Winter Frozen Enterprise Sdn Bhd | Frozen Food Supplier Johor Bahru (JB) | Halal Food Supplier | Seafood Supplier
Frozen Food Supply
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Our Services

Whether you are a family, restaurant or a wholesaler, Winter Frozen Enterprise Sdn Bhd delivers the widest range of food products directly to your kitchen.
BBQ Food Supplier Johor Bahru (JB) | Frozen Food Delivery Johor Bahru (JB)

Online Ordering 線上下單


You can now get groceries delivered to your doorstep via our online ordering system (Whatsapp). Click here to place your order now!
BBQ Food Supplier Johor Bahru (JB) | Frozen Food Delivery Johor Bahru (JB)

One Day (24 hours) Delivery Time 24小時到貨服務

目前來說,我們的送貨到府服務只限於新山地區。凡總訂單價金額超過RM200,即可享有免費配送服務。訂單金額少於RM200,運費講根據你的送貨地址以每一單徵收RM 10 至 RM 20 不等來計算。

We pride ourselves on ensuring that we provide on time 24 hours deliveries to most areas in Johor Bahru.
We deliver to a wide area within the Johor Bahru area. For order over RM 200, you can get free shipping. For order less than RM 200, we will incur a shipping fee ranging from RM 10 – RM 20 depending on your location.
BBQ Food Supplier Johor Bahru (JB) | Frozen Food Delivery Johor Bahru (JB)

Slicing, Cubing, Trimming 切片,切丁服務


For all of our customers’ convenience, we also offer services such as slicing, cubing, and trimming to your requirements.
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Copyright 2023 Winter Frozen Enterprise Sdn Bhd | Frozen Food Supplier Johor Bahru (JB) | Halal Food Supplier | Seafood Supplier